

Title: Teaching With Asynchronous Video
⭐Synchronous Video同步/同時 與 Asynchronous Video異步/異時 兩者的優缺點。
(A)與學習內容的互動︰(porblem-base learning)
 "If we personalize our videos to the students, express emotions, and strive to show them a little of who we really are as people, this can increase the feeling that we are "present" together in the class, even if we are physically separated."(p.17)
 要點︰ (1) 個人風格personalize videos🐶📜 (2) 情感流露express emotions😃💗👍 (3) 拉近距離,日常生活點滴show a little of who we really are as people🐂📒